Get Stock News Insights with the Power of AI!
Welcome to the Finvalia AI Demo! Your soon-to-be new home for stock news sentiment analysis and data analytics. Please note that this website is a demo and uses a static dataset spanning February 2023 to February 2024. The full version will feature real-time data and enhanced functionalities. In the meantime, explore our AI Newsfeed Demo, and sign up for our newsletter stay updated on our progress!
Explore Our Demo and See What's Coming Next!
This website is currently a demo. It uses a small static dataset consisting of 3 stocks spanning February 2023 to February 2024, but we are working hard to bring you the full version with real-time data for thousands of stocks in the next few months. Here’s what you can expect:
Predict Stock Market Returns with AI!
Finvalia is based on a research paper that showed, under certain conditions, ChatGPT can be used to forecast stock market returns of up to 500%!
The AI Newsfeed
The final Finvalia AI website will feature a real-time newsfeed with sentiment analysis and various other data analytics! For the time being you can preview the demo version! It contains historical news for 3 stocks from February 2023 to February 2024.
Keep Track of Historical Returns
View historical hypothetical returns with the Article Return Table! This table will help you understand stock news trends over time and how they correlate with price movements!
Keep Track of Top Performing Strategies!
Discover the maximum potential stock returns based on articles from the Max Return Table. This table provides insights into the most profitable hypothetical returns, helping you identify the most promising investment opportunities.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Newsfeed: A stream of finance-related news articles for various stocks. This demo contains some articles for just 3 stocks (NVDA, TSLA, COIN), but the goal is to have articles for many more! Also note, that this demo newsfeed is not “real-time” just yet, but will be.
- Article Return Table: This table contains historical news articles and their theoretical stock returns, given that certain criteria are met.
- Max Return Table: The maximum theoretical stock returns for the articles from the Article Return Table.
Sign Up and Receive a Sample Dataset!
The final, full website is still pending. In the meantime, you can surf this current website. You can also enter your email to receive some sample files of the data. Also, by entering your email, you have the option to stay up to date on updates regarding the website!